Digital marketing isn’t just the future — it’s the now. To compete in the legal space your firm should be thinking about a comprehensive digital marketing strategy. With competition growing more each year, digital marketing isn’t something you should put off to the future — it’s what you need to be doing now.  

Plus, the start of the new year is a perfect time to begin elevating your firm’s brand and position in your market. A good digital marketing plan helps your firm continue to sustain itself and also drive growth for the future. Your law firm’s bottom line will thank you.   

In this article and throughout the year as a part of our larger blog series, we’ll cover how to measure and understand why digital marketing is worth the investment and share best practices for building your law firm’s digital marketing plan. 

What is digital marketing ROI? 

When your law firm puts money into an investment (like a digital marketing plan), measuring its ROI (Return On Investment) as a performance metric helps your firm understand it’s the value you are getting from that investment. It’s the way of knowing whether your firm is making money by spending money.  

A “good” digital marketing ROI will depend on your firm’s goals and current circumstances. If you’re just getting started with a digital marketing plan, you can expect modest returns that should continue to improve the longer your plan is in place. As a rule of thumb, we recommend aiming for an average ROI of 5:1, meaning that your law firm makes five dollars for every dollar it spends on its digital marketing strategy. A ratio higher than 5:1 is excellent. A ratio below 2:1 means that your firm is getting returns that make sense for you to continue to invest and it’s time to rethink your strategy.  

Monitoring your law firm’s digital marketing ROI is like using a flashlight. Without it, you’re fumbling around in the dark. But with it, you know what’s working and what needs tweaking. You want to ensure that you allocate your law firm’s marketing budget effectively, efficiently, and wisely.    

How can I measure my digital marketing ROI?  

To measure your law firm’s digital marketing ROI, you’ll need to know how much money your firm spends on a marketing campaign and how much revenue or value has been gained from it. A popular tool used in connection with calculating marketing ROI is Google Analytics.   

It’s important to look at your results both individually and collectively to clearly see what’s working and what isn’t. So, evaluate individual campaigns such as a one-time marketing blast on social media, along with your entire social media marketing budget to ensure that you’re optimizing every opportunity.  

A basic marketing ROI formula looks like this:  

Digital marketing ROI = (Marketing revenue – Marketing costs) / Marketing cost 

Let’s make this a bit more concrete! Say your law firm spent $1,000 on a social media campaign in August and you tracked $5,000 in revenue from that campaign in the same month. Using the above formula, your firm’s ROI would be 4:1. Given what you know from above, this is a good return, but it’s likely that your campaign could be improved.    

You should also remember that only attributing direct sales growth from a campaign can be deceiving since clients may have been influenced by the campaign, but ended up coming to your firm through a different avenue.  With regular monitoring, the data becomes even more powerful.  

What metrics should I use to measure digital marketing ROI?  

Monitoring your law firm’s digital marketing ROI is more complex and nuanced than only looking at how much money is brought in from each campaign and comparing that figure to your cost. It’s essential to monitor analytics and performance data. If you don’t, your law firm won’t be able to determine the totality of your marketing efforts successes and opportunities.  

To get started, we recommend tracking and measuring the following marketing performance indicators. (Better yet, make them part of your law firm’s regular reporting process.) 

Conversion rate 

A conversion rate is one of the best indicators of whether your digital strategies are effective. Your conversion rate is the ratio of people who click on an ad (or visit your firm’s website) to people who convert into a lead.  

When reviewing your law firm’s campaign conversion rates, remember to look at conversions by channel. This metric will help your firm evaluate which channels are worth investing in and which can be deprioritized, resulting in an improved ROI.  

Tracking conversion rates on your law firm’s website is also key. With the right reporting tools, you can track how long a visitor stays on the firm’s website, which pages they view the most, which pages have the highest bounce rates (visitors leaving the site), which visits result from organic searches, and how many visitors turn into leads. This powerful data can help you figure out where your customers are looking, what they are interested in and where they are leaving.  

Source of clients 

Your law firm should also track data about how newly acquired clients learned about the firm (e.g., from your firm’s website, social media, word of mouth, or referral). Start by simply asking clients how they heard of you or including it in your client questionnaire at the start of the engagement. We recommend reviewing this data bimonthly and adjusting your digital marketing plan as needed. For the highest ROI, focus on those sources that feed your firm’s bottom line.  

Cost per lead and lead close rate 

Getting leads is important for the longevity of your firm. For optimization, it’s also important to figure out just how much your law firm is paying for each new lead. To calculate this metric, divide the total campaign spend by the total number of leads attributed to that campaign. 

Also make sure you are looking at your lead close rate, which is how many leads generated are converting into new clients. If you find that you’re generating many leads, but those leads aren’t turning into clients and revenue, it’s time to make a change. Also keep an eye on your lead close rate, which is how many leads generated are converting into new clients.  

Cost per acquisition 

Your law firm’s cost per acquisition will tell you how much it costs, on average, to acquire a new client. To calculate this metric, divide total marketing spend by the number of sales generated.  

This figure is key to understanding your digital marketing ROI because it gives your law firm the big picture of your law firm’s spending. As with the other metrics discussed in this article, if your firm is spending more to acquire a client than the client brings to the firm, it’s time to adjust.   

The pandemic taught us that tech not only helps us do our jobs better, but it also helps us become stronger advocates for our clients. Attorneys shifted to attending court hearings and holding negotiations on online platforms, including Zoom and Microsoft Teams, and began using cloud-based solutions to streamline access to information and to promote real-time collaboration.

As the demand for legal software continues to increase, so too will the number of questions about what would make legal tech too complex. In this article, we’ll discuss what can make software too complicated, how to identify the difference between essential and accidental complexity, and, most importantly, how to avoid software that might not fit your law firm’s needs.

Why is software sometimes too complex?

The right legal software uses advanced technology to improve law firms’ efficiency and help them optimize their day-to-day legal practice. It should also provide a user-friendly, intuitive experience.

However, this is not always the case. Sometimes software is more complicated than it needs to be. Let’s review some reasons why.

1. Overengineered and limited flexibility

In software development, there’s no single right way to do things. However, there are many complex ways to do things that might otherwise be simple. If your software is designed to solve problems you don’t have — especially if the extra bells and whistles on software don’t get to the heart of the problems that your law firm does have — it can make legal work more complicated. Sometimes these complexities make software harder to use and limit personalization that allows software to match users’ needs.

If your legal software doesn’t take into account usability or has a ton of features that aren’t relevant to its purpose, then it might be overengineered. And if your team is complaining about your software, requiring extra hours to understand how to use the platform(s), or taking too long to do basic tasks, it’s a sign that you might need a simpler legal software solution.

The key isn’t for your legal software to be everything to everyone. It’s for your software to solve the problems that you actually need to solve.

2. Multiple platforms and multiple devices

A lot of legal software platforms tackle a single problem. There’s nothing inherently wrong with that.

But when a law firm has to use 10 pieces of software, each of which serves a singular function, to accomplish something that it could accomplish with a single cloud-based platform, it makes it harder for lawyers to get work done. That’s especially true if data is stored in multiple places without any integrations. When this happens, users have to access different platforms to find the information they need.

What’s even worse is when law firms choose tools that don’t talk to each other, especially if those tools aren’t easy to use remotely. With more lawyers engaging in mobile work, platforms need to work together and be accessible from any device.

Multiple systems also create additional data security risks. Every software platform that you add to a law firm’s technology ecosystem adds a new layer of complexity that your law firm’s IT team will need to manage to protect your client information from unauthorized access and comply with state data protection laws and regulations (e.g., New York’s SHIELD law). Plus, your IT team will have to ensure it implements every software update for every platform, especially if these systems aren’t built on a secure cloud infrastructure that automatically deploys the latest security updates.

What is the difference between essential vs. too complex?

Often, the problems that arise in practice are complex and require creative thinking. The same is true, of course, for software engineering. The key is keeping an eye on accidental complexity.

“Essential” complexity refers to the tools that are required to do the job the software is designed to do. Without them, the software or platform would lack necessary elements or be unreliable. “Accidental” complexity is what can happen when people are trying to “force” software to work, when taking a hodgepodge approach, or when adopting new technologies or tools without appropriate planning. Accidental or unintentional complexity can hurt the user experience by making the tech harder to use or more difficult to understand. For your law firm, this might mean difficulty using certain integrations, confusion about where to save certain files, or even a user interface that isn’t intuitive.

How can I avoid software that might be too complex? How can I flag this early?

Your law firm should thoroughly research the capabilities of any software provider and how that aligns with your expectations. This means looking into the provider and any integration partners to see how long they’ve been in business, what their customer support looks like, and how they will handle your law firm’s data. Important questions to ask include how your documents and data might be accessed, saved, and backed up. Confirm that the answers are compatible with the workflows your law firm has or ensure that your staff and timekeepers are ready and willing to learn.

Learning about the functionality of the software itself is also key. Do you prefer built-in features or integrations? How about a blended approach? We recommend a comprehensive software platform that allows for add-ons and customization to suit your law firm’s individual needs. Depending on your law firm’s practice areas, you may need some tools more than others. Ensure that the software you select provides customizable tools and functionalities tailored to your firm’s needs and wants. Knowing your top priorities for the software is important to avoid software that is too complex for what you need. If your law firm is focused on revamping your billing and collections process, make sure that you like and can use the software you select. The same goes for your firm’s intake practice or document management. What’s most important in your software is whatever is most important to your firm.

Last, we recommend scheduling a demo or taking advantage of a free trial of the software that your law firm is considering. Functionality and the user experience vary drastically between software, so it’s essential to test it out. Your goal is to make sure that those using the software most often enjoy using it. If they don’t, you won’t see any return on your investment, and your software will quickly become obsolete.

If you keep your firm’s priorities and needs top of mind, you won’t choose software that’s too complex for your users.

How can my law firm get started with the right legal software?

Lacking reliable software or using software that is too complex can have a ripple effect throughout a matter’s lifecycle — and on your law firm’s bottom line. The profitability and productivity of your timekeepers and the entire firm may suffer. That’s why it’s important to start putting the proper systems and software in place to handle matters effectively and efficiently.

Centerbase’s comprehensive platform consisting of financial, timekeeping, document, and practice management tools puts everything you need to know about every matter at your fingertips. And what’s better is that you’ll be able to stop worrying about details that you’re forgetting or those sticky notes cluttering your desk with reminders of the tasks you need to complete.

In short, we can help your law firm reach its full potential with software that is customized to your firm’s needs. Sign up for a free demo of our legal practice management software and learn more about how our platform can help you streamline your law firm’s operations.

[vc_row type="in_container" full_screen_row_position="middle" column_margin="default" scene_position="center" text_color="dark" text_align="left" overlay_strength="0.3" shape_divider_position="bottom" bg_image_animation="none"][vc_column column_padding="no-extra-padding" column_padding_position="all" background_color_opacity="1" background_hover_color_opacity="1" column_link_target="_self" column_shadow="none" column_border_radius="none" width="1/1" tablet_width_inherit="default" tablet_text_alignment="default" phone_text_alignment="default" overlay_strength="0.3" column_border_width="none" column_border_style="solid" bg_image_animation="none"][vc_column_text]You clean out your paper files, desk, and office refrigerator. So why wouldn’t you do the same with your law firm’s online data?

A robust data classification system is a must for your law firm. You’ve been entrusted by clients to not only zealously represent them but also to do no harm. To accomplish these goals, you must protect their sensitive data through a comprehensive and secure data classification system — one where you review and purge data regularly.

By having a carefully constructed data classification system, your law firm can protect itself against a possible data breach, make sure that it is properly compliant with the ethical rules regarding client record management, and better evaluate your firm’s performance and bottom line.

In this article, we’ll cover all of this and more while sharing a roadmap to help you start cleansing your law firm’s data.

What is clean data?

Data cleansing is the process of detecting and then correcting or removing defective, duplicate, or incomplete data.

To determine what data might need purging or correcting, think both big and small: your firm’s client records, filing records, document databases, scheduling books, emails, contact information, and employee information, to name a few data sources. Think about any potential data repository, both in your firm’s servers and computers and other electronic equipment as well as on your staff’s mobile devices.

Basically, this process means recognizing what is missing, incorrect, or unnecessary in your law firm’s data and then rectifying it. It’s a process that requires forethought and one that is best handled with a bit of help.

How can clean data benefit my law firm?

Cleaning your firm’s data is important to protect your firm. Sound data classification and cleansing practices can transform your law firm by reducing risks and improving profitability. With cleaner, error-free data, your law firm can protect itself against possible data breaches, make sure that it complies with the ethical rules regarding client record management, and better evaluate its own bottom line.

Clients entrust their sensitive, confidential data with your law firm. To fulfill your ethical responsibility to your clients, you must go the extra mile to keep only the data you need. Organizing and cleaning your data regularly helps to protect your clients. Data retention schedules and auto-deletion features can ensure you purge client files, emails, and other data once they are no longer useful to your firm.

This is important because protecting your clients and their information is a fundamental ethical responsibility — and it’s also just a good business practice. Lawyers are required to protect all client information from disclosure, including in a data breach. The American Bar Association has issued ethics opinions on securing communication of protected client information, and numerous states have their own data protection laws (e.g., New York’s SHIELD law). Because your license and practice are at stake, it’s critical to establish data security measures.

Clean data is also good for your bottom line. With cleaner data on your law firm’s performance, you’ll have better analytics, thus allowing your law firm to make more informed business decisions. Clean data (along with the right legal practice management software) makes for more accurate tracking. So, you’ll be able to keep a clear eye on practice area performance, monthly revenue, cash flow, and work-in-progress reports.

With cleaner (read: better) data, your firm can compile more useful reports and respond and adjust intelligently. You’ll also just keep better internal systems and records with clean data. It’ll be easier to run payroll, order supplies, and run your law office.

What is a data classification system?

To maintain clean data, it’s crucial that your firm establish a data classification system. Without one, your law firm will be poorly positioned to both avoid data breaches and respond effectively if one happens. Classifying data is the first step to protecting it, and a well-planned data classification system is essential.

The basics of data classification

Classifying your law firm’s data is not always an intuitive process. As your law firm grows, this process only becomes harder and more time-consuming. Our advice is to start organizing now and put repeatable processes in place so it’s easy for you to maintain clean data.

Begin by identifying your firm’s data and taking inventory of all the data held by your firm. Be methodical and ruthless in your analysis.

Then consider your collection processes. Do you actually need to collect all of the data that your firm is housing? Consider whether you can cut certain things and, if so, update your client information forms as needed. Minimizing unneeded data collection will benefit your firm in the long run.

We also recommend putting a data retention policy into place and setting automatic deletion features after a set period, particularly for certain sensitive information.

Once you’ve completed the identification stage, you can move on to actual classification. Most law firms (and businesses more generally) use tiered levels of confidentiality: public, sensitive, and classified. By having clear classifications, your law firm can set strong policies based on the different categories. When classifying data, remember to also keep in mind who owns the data, where it might be stored, and what the substance of the data is. With the right software, you’ll be able to organize and create controls to best organize and protect your client’s data (and your law firm’s data too).

This process may sound overwhelming. But it’s worth the trouble and will help your law firm to optimize your systems. When your data is categorized and controlled, your staff can find the information they need faster. As you know, optimization means higher productivity, which means more revenue.

Out with the old

We recommend starting with something easy like subscriber information. It’s okay to cleanse the contact information for folks who haven’t interacted with your law firm in years. Especially if your law firm has an active online presence, these clients will be able to find you anytime in the future. Set your own policy for contact retention, and be sure to follow it.

Also, keep an eye out for bounced emails and update or delete your contact records as needed. The same goes for document recordkeeping. Don’t hesitate to delete non-priority records that have been inactive for years. Chances are that the information you have is outdated. Plus, if your law firm has an active online presence, these clients will be able to find you with ease.

This holds true for the information your law firm has been collecting on itself. The cleaner your performance and financial data, the more accurate your analytical financial reports will be.

In with the new

Next, figure out which data is worth retaining. For example, if you’re looking to update your current client contact records, you’ll want to put resources into identifying which clients have incomplete records and start reaching out to gather the missing information.

The same goes for ongoing client matters. It’s worth ensuring that you have fully executed documents for recent transactions and complete records for matters that might turn litigious and be subject to a litigation hold.

By recognizing which data is necessary to complete and hold on to, you’ll be able to better use your firm’s resources.

Do it again

Once your firm has figured out its priorities and established a system of data cleansing, it’ll benefit from putting policies in place and establishing good data entry habits. If your law firm relies on manual data entry, it’s important to have firmwide guidelines. For example, you should specify whether your firm spells out or abbreviates certain terms and what spacing and punctuation should be used. And you should make sure to enter names and addresses following a consistent protocol.

And, unfortunately, you’ll need to cleanse your data again, and again, and again (and again). Your firm should regularly review newly added records for consistency and completeness, which can also help to catch spam or incomplete data. To keep your law firm’s data clean, you’ll need to assess and purge as a matter of course.

Start your journey to cleaner data now

Clean data is the foundation for a sound data classification process. The cleaner your data and the more consistently your firm follows your data classification system, the less your firm’s risk of data compromise, the stronger your law firm’s performance will be, and the better you’ll be able to forecast your finances, manage your client matters, and build your client pipeline.


If your goal for your law firm’s website is to increase traffic and attract new clients, you’ll want it to rank highly in search engine results. However, getting it to do so is often easier said than done. One of the best ways to improve your law firm website’s SEO performance is by publishing high-quality and informative blog content.

In this article, we’ll explain why content is crucial to SEO, go over best practices for writing legal blog content, and give examples of law firms whose blog posts earned huge increases in page views.

Why is Content So Important to SEO?

Search engines like Google want to provide search results that are valuable and relevant to the user. Therefore, when you regularly publish content that is helpful to your audience, your rankings will likely increase, and more people can find your website in their search results.

The phrase “content is king” exists for a reason. In terms of SEO, high-quality content is the number one factor Google uses when ranking search results. It’s important to note that while high-quality content can improve your site’s SEO performance, poor-quality content can do the opposite.

What does it mean for content to be “high quality”?

Producing high-quality content is about creating pages that increase user time on a page, lower bounce rate, and provide valuable content to the user. When determining the quality of search results, Google uses a principle known as “E-A-T,” which stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness.

The more you incorporate E-A-T into your law firm’s marketing strategy, the better your website’s SEO performance will become.

Tips for Creating SEO-Friendly Blog Content

You could publish a new blog post every day and still not see an improvement in your site’s search engine results page (SERP) ranking, because while consistency is important, search engines like Google value quality of content over quantity. Below are a few pointers on how to create blog content search engines will love.

Use keywords to answer people’s legal questions more effectively.

Your blog posts should cater to your audience’s needs, and that means providing them with the answers they’re searching for in a direct and succinct manner. In contrast to practice area overview pages, blog posts allow you to answer specific legal questions people commonly ask. For example, if your firm focuses on divorce and family law, you could write a blog post that outlines what a person should do if their ex-spouse is failing to make child support payments.

How do you know which questions to answer? A great way to start is by performing a Google search of your targeted practice area's keywords (ex: “drug laws in Tennessee”) and seeing what autocomplete terms show up. Another place to look is the “People also ask” box found on the results page. Once you have an idea of what questions people are asking, you can start writing blog posts that answer them.

Be careful, however, not to oversaturate your post with keywords. This practice, known as “keyword stuffing,” makes content awkward to read and doesn’t provide a good user experience. Search engines know how to look for keyword stuffing and will likely penalize you for it by lowering your search results ranking.

Add alt text to your images.

Alt text is the written copy that appears in place of an image on a webpage if the image fails to load on a user's screen. Not only does alt text allow search engine crawlers to better index and rank your website, but it also makes your content accessible to more users, as it helps screen-reading tools describe images aloud to users who are visually impaired. Alt text should be a short, but descriptive sentence that includes the keywords you’re targeting. For example, “Man and woman seated at desk signing divorce papers.”

Write compelling meta descriptions.

Meta descriptions are found beneath the page titles on a SERP. These one- to two-sentence summaries give users and search engines an idea of what the page’s content is about. Meta descriptions show up in rich snippets, so including them can provide an accurate description of your website to search users.

Link to other pages on your website.

Incorporating internal links in your blog posts encourages users to explore your website in a way that feels natural to them. This tactic tends to keep people on your website longer and reduces bounce rates, which tells search engines like Google that your site is providing users with valuable information. When adding internal links, be sure to choose anchor text that is relevant to the linked page instead of an obvious callout. For example, if you want to include a link to your bankruptcy practice area page on one of your blog posts, link text that says something like, “experienced bankruptcy attorney,” rather than “click here.” That way, both the user and search engines will know what kind of page will open once they click on the linked text.

Regularly update your blog.

If you're looking to boost your law firm’s SEO performance, it’s not enough to publish a handful of blog posts and call it a day. You need to consistently update old posts and add new ones in order to increase your chances of earning a higher SERP ranking. This is because the more frequently you update your website, the more frequently search engines’ site crawlers will index it and re-arrange your site’s ranking.

Examples of Blog Posts That Led to Major SEO Improvements

We’ve discussed how the best legal blog posts establish credibility, improve site visibility, and generate high-quality leads. However, we also understand if, as an attorney, maintaining your law firm’s blog is not necessarily your top priority. Consider delegating the responsibility of your blog to a professional content-generation service so you can focus on running your firm and assisting your clients. Below are two examples of law firms whose outsourced blog posts resulted in serious improvements to their SEO performances.

MC Criminal Law

MC Criminal Law’s blog post titled “What to Expect at a Title IX Hearing” is the top result for a Google search of the term “title ix hearing.” They rank first nationwide, not even in just the firm’s city of Dallas, Texas. There are many reasons why this post performs so well, one being that it gives the reader the exact information they are looking for. The blog post breaks down what happens before, during, and after a Title IX hearing and mentions how an attorney can help. It also weaves industry-related and geographical keywords into the content in a seamless way and does a great job of breaking up content with section headings.

The Heritage Law Group

The Heritage Law Group, a real estate law firm in San Jose, California, had a blog post on easement disputes perform so well, the firm had it taken down because it was generating too many leads for them to keep up with. The firm’s website also contains valuable real estate law information that likely contributed to its blog post’s successful SEO performance.

Start Using Your Law Firm’s Blog as a Powerful SEO Tool

Don’t make the mistake of overlooking your blog’s potential. Use it to create SEO-friendly content that improves your website’s SERP ranking, stands out among your competitors, and earns you more leads. The sooner you start publishing high-quality blog posts, the sooner your firm can be discovered by more potential clients.


We’ll state it simply: making your legal website compliant with the requirements of The Americans with Disabilities Act (the ADA) is critical. It’s important for actual accessibility, it’s important for human dignity, and it’s important for legal reasons. You care about your law firm’s clients and potential clients. Ensuring that your law firm’s website is ADA compliant is another way to show that you care.

In this blog, we’ll cover the basics of the ADA and ADA compliance. We’ll also dive into how to make your law firm website accessible and why, above all, accessibility matters and should be strived for. Let’s get moving!

What is the ADA? What is ADA compliance?

The ADA is a federal law enacted in 1990. Its chief aim is to end discrimination based on differing abilities and it requires organizations to provide certain “reasonable accommodations” to folks with disabilities. For the physical world, this means wheelchair-accessible ramps and entryways, elevators, and other equal-access accommodations. For the world of the internet, it means something else, and that meaning is still evolving and changing.

The text of the ADA (even as amended) does not explicitly address website or online compliance. Because of this, it has fallen to the courts to determine how the ADA applies to websites. The courts have looked to Title III of the ADA, which requires that every owner, lessor, or operator of a “place of public accommodation” provide equal access to users who meet the ADA’s standards for disability. Many courts have ruled that commercial websites (like your law firm’s) are “places of public accommodation” and therefore are subject to the requirements of the ADA. Other courts have ruled using different reasoning, but have arrived at the same conclusion: websites must be accessible. The Department of Justice (the DOJ) supports the reading that websites are “places of public accommodation” and thus websites must be ADA compliant.

What this means is that your law firm’s website must achieve certain levels of accessibility as defined under the ADA. We’ll get into the nitty-gritty of accessibility and accommodation under the ADA below, but we also want to note that absent legal enforcement, ensuring that your law firm’s website is accessible is important. It shows clients and prospective clients that you treat everyone with dignity, that your law firm is committed to equity, and that all are welcome. Making your law firm’s website ADA compliant is good for everyone.

What makes a website ADA compliant?

In guidance on web accessibility and the ADA published in 2022, the DOJ states that it requires public accommodations to ensure websites are accessible per the ADA requirement of “general nondiscrimination and effective communication provisions.” The DOJ does not specify any explicit website accessibility standard; however, the DOJ does and has made it clear that Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) are helpful guidance for companies to reference when making their own websites ADA compliant. The current golden standard is WCAG 2.0.

What is the WCAG?

Good question! At its most basic, WCAG is a series of guidelines that provide information about website accessibility. The guidelines give website owners clear instructions on how to make their website accessible to folks of all abilities. The WCAG standards have over ten guidelines and those guidelines are organized into four major principles which lay the foundation necessary for anyone to access and use web content.

Let’s get into the details! When thinking about your law firm’s website and the WCAG guidelines, think about the following:

In sum, your law firm has some flexibility in how it complies with the nondiscrimination and accessibility requirements of the ADA. What’s important is ensuring that your law firm’s website offers actual accessibility.

What are some tips for making my legal website ADA compliant?

Achieving ADA compliance for your law firm’s website means taking a step back and looking at what real accessibility looks like. Start by taking stock of your current website and reviewing the WCAG’s guidance. The WCAG guidelines seem complex at first, but when broken down into digestible bits, they are easily implemented. We recommend beginning by considering the following:

Written content. When creating written content for your law firm’s website, think about how that content can be made accessible for folks with disabilities. To help those users who use screen readers or other visual aids, focus on structure and be sure to use proper heading tags—meaning, use the H1 function in lieu of just making the font larger and follow the H1, H2, H3, etc. hierarchy. It’s also just best practice to use bulleted lists, shorter paragraphs, and summary sections for easy scanning. By enhancing readability, you enhance accessibility.

Visual and audio content. Making your legal website accessible means making your design better for everyone. If your content creation and marketing strategies involve video webinars, be sure to include subtitles, provide transcripts, and also provide audio descriptions (e.g., a speech version of a descriptive transcript). Visually impaired users oftentimes use screen readers to engage with online content.

For screen readers to work, the images on your website must have alt text, which is a short text that describes the image. By doing this, you’ll give all users the ability to fully engage with your law firm’s website (and the excellent content you’ve created). Similarly, avoid using charts or graphs that rely solely on color as the differentiator and instead opt for patterns, fills, or borders to communicate. Pay attention to color contrast and font choice on your website, too.

Website design. Website design accessibility means different things, but it all comes down to thoughtfulness and real accessibility. It’s important to evaluate your law firm’s website design and navigation functionality. Keyboard navigation is important for those folks with visual and motor disabilities. People who use screen readers or cannot use a mouse should still be able to access your website, so make sure that users can tab through all navigational elements using keyboard navigation. For example, consider using specific keyboard keys such as Shift+Tab and the Enter key for specific purposes on your website to provide ease of navigation. Be sure that your website’s navigation menu is consistent across all pages!

Form and table labels are also important. Make sure that each form field has a clear label. Additionally, consider adding an accessibility interface to your website, which will allow visitors to adjust your site’s design and user elements to fit their individual needs. You can find an example of what that looks like here by clicking the tab that appears on the right side of the website. By providing an easy option for larger text, contrast, and thoughtful use of colors, you allow everyone to engage with your law firm’s website (and get what makes your firm so unique).

Lastly, for website design, make sure that your call to action (CTA) buttons are accessible. The CTAs featured on your law firm’s website should have an accessible name, which is usually the text on the button itself. We recommend using an aria-label for each CTA to give screen readers the right information.

To ensure real accessibility (and to take some pressure off of your internal team), we highly recommend working with an expert who can help your law firm create a website that is ADA compliant and accessible for all.

How can you avoid legal measures being taken against your law firm’s website?

This one is simple—make sure that your law firm’s website is ADA compliant. If it isn’t, you might find yourself party to a lawsuit. Since 2013, the employment law-focused law firm Seyfarth Shaw has tracked the number of lawsuits filed under the ADA each year. Their data is striking and indicates that more than 11,400 people filed an ADA Title III lawsuit in 2021—a 320 percent increase since 2013. In the year 2020, more than 2,500 lawsuits were filed in federal court claiming online websites were not designed to be accessible to folks with disabilities, in violation of Title III of the ADA. More than 11,400 people filed an ADA website-related lawsuit in 2021, a 320% increase from previous years. This year, hundreds of thousands of business owners will receive demand letters for inaccessible websites. 93% of those demand letters will be settled for $20,000 - $150,000.

What all of this data means is that people are paying attention, and rightfully so. Equal access to the internet is a major concern and is likely to remain that way. So, make sure that your law firm abides by WCAG accessibility standards. We’ll reiterate that you should start by addressing the following (which the DOJ lists as examples of common accessibility barriers):

Getting your law firm’s website in tip-top shape and ADA compliant is the only way to avoid accessibility lawsuits, negative publicity, and most importantly, provide an accessible user experience to everyone. Start by working with the right experts who can help your law firm build an accessible (and interesting) website.

Why is having an accessible lawyer website important?

It’s important because everyone is important. First and foremost is the issue of equal access and human integrity. By designing, maintaining, and updating your law firm’s website to be accessible, you put your money where your mouth is as a lawyer dedicated to justice. You also show prospective and current clients that you pay attention and care.

Second is that, as discussed throughout this article, it’s required by law and enforced by the DOJ. Without an ADA compliant website, your law firm may be subject to a lawsuit and hefty fines (and the accompanying bad publicity).

Last is that it’s just good for business. By having an ADA compliant website, you’ll have more traffic. It’s estimated that nearly a quarter of the U.S. population has a disability. By providing a website and user experience that supports all abilities, your law firm will be seen by more people and have greater odds of landing leads. This is especially true if your law firm specializes in a practice area that supports those with disabilities. Good business sense dictates that you have an accessible website; and human decency does the same.

Design an ADA-compliant website today

Your law firm’s website should and must be ADA compliant. Getting there is a journey, but we promise you that it’s worth it—both to avoid lawsuits and help as many people as possible.

Before you begin designing or re-vamping your law firm’s website, consider the basics outlined in this article. And, if you have any questions or decide that you’re in over your head, website design experts are ready to assist you.




Do you want to promote greater team synergy and harmony? What about higher productivity and a friendlier workplace? Then you need to retain your employees.  

Employee turnover is almost always negative. Losing employees requires you to invest significant amounts of time and resources in advertising, recruiting, onboarding, and training, all of which are nonbillable. Employee turnover also means disruption to caseloads and more work for other lawyers and staff while your law firm tries to hire a replacement, which can hurt morale and — you guessed it — lead to more turnover. 

In short, you want to avoid turnover like the plague. 

To keep your law firm humming, it’s essential that your firm retain your lawyers and staff. The best way to retain your employees is to support them. Sometimes that means paying them more. But there are also a lot of other important components to ensuring your employees feel valued.  

In this article, we’ll discuss law firm employee retention trends and what your law firm can do to make sure it stays on the right side of them.   

Why is employee retention constantly making headlines?  

Employee retention is a hot topic because of the current market. Economic forces have led to a buyer’s market. The tides have shifted, and employees are left holding the cards. A 2021 McKinsey study found that more than half of employers are experiencing lower-than-normal employee retention rates. In November 2021 alone, roughly 4.5 million U.S. workers voluntarily left their places of employment. Recruiting firm Major, Lindsey and Africa and Above the Law found that a third of junior lawyers do not plan to stay with their law firms beyond five years. Many younger lawyers don’t see careers in law firms, much less aspire to make partner.  

All of this adds up to a lot of buzz, and the buzz is important. You need to pay attention to the hiring and retention trends in the market. To keep your law firm intact and thriving, you need to prioritize employee retention and minimize turnover. Let’s get into some ways to do that.  

What are the main issues that tend to push employees to leave law firms or look elsewhere for employment?  

A variety of factors create an environment that damages employee morale and encourages them to leave law firms. Here’s a look at some of the most common. 

A lack of flexibility  

The practice of law hews closely to tradition. That means many things, including coming into the office and slogging away for hours on end. 

That tradition doesn’t sit well with younger generations. And forcing employees to come into the office today for a nine-to-five when they have technology at their fingertips that allows them to work anywhere and anytime isn’t going to build goodwill with staff or associates. 

A lack of upward mobility  

Firms need to rethink the meaning of “advancement.” The traditional law firm follows an up-or-out model. Either you stay and make partner, or you move on.  

That type of career ladder isn’t what many younger employees are looking for. They don’t have the same career aspirations as the partners in your firm did. They may be interested in other leadership or business opportunities with your firm, such as operations or marketing roles. Or they may be happy to serve as counsel rather than as a partner. A better approach to employee advancement is to think of it as a lattice, which offers more routes to advancement than just a single way up. 

A lack of diversity and inclusion 

The highest levels of law firm leadership tend to be white and male. Women and people of color are increasing in the associate and partner ranks, but they still lag behind. Women were 26% of all partners in 2021, but only slightly more than 4% were women of color. Black and Latinx women are less than 1% of all partners. The statistics for equity partnership are even bleaker: 22% of equity partners were women, while only 9% were people of color.  

This lack of inclusion creates a gap in leadership pipelines. When employees don’t see an opportunity in a firm to advance, they’re more likely to leave. And if that inability to advance is rooted in metrics that discriminate against marginalized groups or unconscious biases, that firm is likely to get a bad reputation. No one wants to work for a firm where they can’t see themselves reflected in the leadership ranks. 

What factors help law firms retain employees?  

The best way to retain your employees is to pay them competitively and to support their growth. We understand it’s a delicate balance between considering your own bottom line and paying lawyers and staff, but compensating your firm’s employees adequately is money well spent. Creating a healthy and collegial law firm culture is another way to get employees to stick around. People want to be where they are valued and supported. 

Compensation: Salary and benefits 

In law firms, retention is often all about the Benjamins. The foundation for employee satisfaction is competitive salaries and benefits packages. By paying your legal team and staff market rates, your law firm directly shows them their value and worth. A higher salary means higher retention rates and thus less training of new associates and less turnover of client contacts. It also means your people won’t be lured as easily to the law firm across the street. 

Importantly, valuing your attorneys and staff also includes promoting internal pay equity. The gender pay gap is real, and that gap is even larger for women of color. Your firm can both promote internal and external equity and look out for its own bottom line by offering all employees fair and competitive packages.  

By paying your employees fairly and re-evaluating their compensation regularly and objectively, your firm will show in the numbers that it values its workforce. If you aren’t willing to pay what your team is worth in the market, your firm is likely to lose employees and staff. You’re also likely to struggle if you need to hire replacements.  

Of course, if you get into a salary tug-of-war with your competition, you’ll eventually run out of cash. Increases are only sustainable to a point. That’s why you’ll need to focus on improving your law firm’s culture and support for employees as well. 

Value and support 

The McKinsey study that we mentioned above also asked employees why they quit their jobs. The top three factors cited were that the employees didn’t feel valued by their organizations (54 percent) or their managers (52 percent) or because they didn’t feel a sense of belonging at work (51 percent).  

Understanding the term “valued” goes beyond compensation and benefits and into something more humanistic. All employees, regardless of their level, want to feel that their contributions are noted and appreciated. They want to be understood and treated like human beings. For employers, and especially law firms, this means both giving credit where it’s due and allowing employees flexibility based on their individual circumstances.  

When it comes to giving credit, recognition goes a long way! If an associate ran point on a multimillion-dollar acquisition, give them a shoutout at the next team meeting or in the firm newsletter. If a paralegal recently helped on a big case, it’s appropriate to do the same. Letting your lawyers and staff know that you notice their hard work is important to employee satisfaction. It shows that you’re paying attention and that you see their dedication.  

Another tangible way to show employees that they are valued is to offer them individual flexibility. The COVID-19 pandemic taught us many things about office life, including that brick and mortar isn’t for everyone. We also learned that many people can be just as productive (possibly even more productive) working from home.  

By offering flexible work arrangements, including work-from-home options, your firm can easily support its lawyers and staff and make them feel valued. This also includes flexible arrangements for new parents or employees who might need to work remotely to care for an aging family member. Valuing your lawyers means supporting them when they need it. You’ll reap the benefits of increased productivity and higher-quality work. 

Balance and opportunities for growth 

The term work-life balance gets thrown around a lot in the legal world. It means different things to different people and varies based on a host of factors, like seniority. For example, younger lawyers in particular are dissatisfied with their work-life balance, and this dissatisfaction is the top reason that millennial attorneys might start looking for another job.  

What remains constant for all lawyers is the desire to not burn out. While burnout depends on a host of individual factors, your firm can implement systems to ensure that your lawyers and staff aren’t being overworked. We recommend monitoring the hours of your individual attorneys and apportioning their workloads accordingly. So, if you note that one associate has been billing 12 hours a day for a week straight, especially over the weekend, she probably could use some additional support. You may need to assign another associate to a matter or reallocate some of her workload. The same goes for your paralegal who has worked three weekends in a row. It’s probably time to assign another paralegal to the matter. By monitoring workloads, you take some of the burden off of your attorneys and staff to establish hard boundaries, which can be difficult to do. It also shows that you care, which employees notice.  

Helping your attorneys and staff grow professionally is another component of employee retention. Constructive feedback and positive encouragement are important. This proves especially true for junior lawyers and new staff members. By providing personalized feedback and having one-on-one meetings (and not just waiting for the dreaded end-of-year performance reviews), your lawyers and staff will feel supported in their learning. They’ll also believe that there’s a path forward for them in the firm. You may also want to build a greater sense of community by offering structured mentorships between senior and junior lawyers. 

Formal learning opportunities are also essential. Incorporate opportunities for continuing legal education (CLE) sessions and conferences in your learning and development budget. Additionally, to encourage development, ask what your lawyers are most interested in learning about. This gives junior lawyers and other new employees the ability to shape their careers. If your lawyers and staff feel like they have a say in what they’re learning, they’ll feel more excited to invest in their growth. More investment in learning means better work for your clients — and more satisfied clients mean more income for your firm.  

What are some strategies to help with employee retention?  

We’ve discussed them throughout this article, but we want to double down on the fact that you shouldn’t underestimate the importance of a positive law firm culture. Your firm’s culture is a manifestation of its core values. Respect, collegiality, and equity should be at the heart of your firm. A supportive law firm culture will foster high-level thinking, which means better solutions for your clients. Prospective clients can also tell when a law firm is working well together and when working conditions are suboptimal. This is good for your people, good for your firm, and good for your bottom line.  

We’ll also note the importance of communication for retaining employees. Openness is key! Your law firm should prioritize transparency such that lawyers and staff feel empowered to communicate with firm management on all topics. This includes more serious topics like compensation, discrimination, workloads, and balance. A culture of open communication also enables your team to share creative ideas for business development or innovative CLEs and conferences.  

Be sure that your law firm follows through. Open communication without results is just lip service. So, if you know that an employee is struggling, help them. If an associate has a great idea, listen and then help them achieve it. Similarly, if you want to know how employees are doing and what you can do to better support them — just ask! Communication is a two-way street.  

Retain your employees and grow your law firm.

As the war for talent rages on, your firm needs a strategy to retain your lawyers and staff. By ensuring that you have the processes and structures that enable your firm to value your employees in meaningful ways, not just through compensation, your law firm can hold on to your most valuable resource: your people. 


New year, new you, same audit.

Every law firm should start 2023 with balanced accounts and a solid paper trail. But getting there can be tough. Closing the books on 2022 takes time and methodical thought. Your law firm can minimize the friction by streamlining its accounting process with the right tech. Getting started early doesn’t hurt, either.

Your law firm’s year-end closing process comes together through reconciling bank accounts, adjusting entries, and preparing financial statements for analysis. This article will guide you through the steps necessary for a sound end-of-year bookkeeping process. With this guidance, your law firm will welcome 2023 with open arms. Let’s get started.

What are good ways to prepare for end-of-year audits?

Start by getting your ducks in a row (and do it early). 2023 is right around the corner, and completing a comprehensive financial review of your firm’s 2022 successes is important to ensuring that 2023 is more of the same. Take the time now to review your records, get into contact with clients with outstanding balances, and budget properly. If you get started now, we bet you can still squeeze in some holiday cheer.

The following three steps can help you get your law firm’s finances in order for the end of the year.

1. Account and collect now

Billing and collections are critical to the continuation of your law firm, so we recommend that you do indeed pass go and collect $200 (we also understand that this is easier said than done).

As you know, it’s best practice to collect accounts receivable as soon as possible. You also know that this isn’t always possible with clients and that sometimes creative thinking is necessary to get paid. When it comes to end-of-year accounting and collections, you might have to get extra creative.

Start by double-checking that your law firm’s time entries and billings are up to date. We recommend ensuring that all lawyers and other billing staff have tracked their billable hours through the end of November, with subsequent hours to be monitored at the beginning of December. Run all of your end-of-year reports, including accounts receivable, to get an idea of what’s outstanding and which clients you’ll need to nudge. Use these reporting tools to identify what is worth chasing and what your law firm can write off. As you know, the odds of collection decrease with time and only decrease only further once the year has come to a close.

When it comes to the actual collections, start reaching out now (and certainly before Thanksgiving) to those clients that have been historically slow to pay outstanding balances. Remember to make your end-of-year bills clear and concise, and make it known that you expect to be paid before the conclusion of the year. If needed, try billing every two weeks in the month of December. We also recommend sending reminders to clients regarding their outstanding balance — clients are likely also wrapping up end-of-the-year financials and might even thank you for the reminder. The end of the year might also be the time to begin accepting credit card payments (or other alternatives) or setting up a payment plan for clients who might need another quarter or two to pay your law firm back in full.

By using the right resources and technology advancements, your law firm can streamline its billing and collections process so that your end of year can be jolly and bright and not filled with paperwork.

2. Review your financials and plan for the future

The past is the best indicator of what’s to come in the future. By taking stock of your most recent fiscal year, your law firm will be able to best prepare for the coming one. Once all revenue, expenses, and data are finalized and entered, your law firm should run the following financial statements:

The end of the year also presents a good opportunity for your law firm to review its practices related to legal billing and firm accounting. Your firm can run helpful reports related to time tracking and billing to ensure that all firm members have been recording tasks in a timely and comprehensive manner. This data can also reveal any delays in the process of converting tracked time into client invoices (and then into income).

By reviewing and auditing your law firm’s yearly finances, you’ll be able to set intelligent goals for the year to come. You’ll also know when to be conservative and when to reach. Your 2023 bottom line will thank you.

3. Perform reconciliations

After your law firm records all revenue and expenses, it should perform bank reconciliations to ensure that all financial records line up with bank statements. Any discrepancies need to be reviewed and investigated thoroughly. Best practices here are to reconcile monthly and as soon as bank statements arrive. Otherwise, your law firm will need to contend with 12 months of bank statements in a short period, making it more challenging to identify errors.

Additionally, many jurisdictions require law firms to reconcile client trust accounts on a monthly (or at least quarterly) basis. This does not, however, negate your law firm’s duty to complete year-end trust account and retainer reviews. An annual review is useful for double-checking reconciliations done throughout the year to ensure that no mistakes or miscalculations were missed. The ledger sheet for each client’s trust account should line up completely with the corresponding bank statements. Get on top of this now, and it’ll make a difference in your end-of-year audit and day-to-day operations.

What proactive actions can you take to prepare for an audit?

We get it — you’re trying to minimize the pain of your end-of-year audit. The best way to go about doing so is to track regularly and prepare all year long. That means your law firm should be checking its receipts monthly.

Regular expense tracking must be a part of your law firm’s year-end closing process. By following accounting standards and making sure your law firm’s balances actually balance, and by tidying up any issues along the way, your law firm won’t come into the audit with a buildup of problems. Be sure to account for money going out of the firm and to track revenue coming in. Without this vital information, your law firm will lack an accurate picture of its financial well-being. Don’t go into 2023 believing that your law firm is on more financially solid ground than it actually is. Accurate and regular review will help your law firm avoid common problems like inadequate cash flow and the inability to cover firm overhead.

Tech can make being proactive easier. The most successful law firms integrate their accounting processes with a cloud-based practice management software platform that helps them improve their firm’s efficiency, leading to easier end-of-year audits. When your firm chooses the right technology, you help your lawyers reduce the time that they’d otherwise spend on administrative tasks (think timekeeping, invoicing, and collecting overdue invoices). You’ll also be able to more accurately (and quickly) project your firm’s finances and study your historical and projected cash flow so you can plan more accurately and set realistic goals for 2023.

Save yourself headaches by going into your end of year armed with receipts.

How does an audit prepare you to enter the new year?

Auditing is key to success. It will provide you with a bird’s-eye view of your law firm, giving your firm’s management and administrators the tools they need to either shake things up or maintain the status quo. By conducting a proper audit, you’ll have important data to move through the new year.

An audit will help your law firm compare 2022 revenue to 2021 revenue. Is your firm swimming in dough? Was Q3 tougher this year than last? Are you overspending on legal subscriptions? By comparing yearly revenue, your law firm will be able to make intelligent, data-driven decisions for 2023. You’ll also be able to determine and make adjustments on spending more broadly. Maybe your law firm is tight on cash at the beginning of the year but flush by the end. By reviewing smaller yearly trends, your firm can better account for when it can afford to spend and when it needs to be pennywise.

Your yearly audit can also inform billing and collection practices. Maybe your clients need more regular reminders. Maybe your clients are all paying on time. Maybe it’s even time to fire a client for regularly missing payments. By taking stock of these trends, your firm will be able to focus its efforts on paying clients.

Now’s the time to get your law firm ready for an audit

By getting your law firm’s end-of-year finances in order, your firm will be primed for growth and ready for change. Data collected in connection with your end-of-year audit will help guide your firm through 2023. With the right practice management software, your firm will be able to do it all. This includes enjoying the holidays and decking the halls with bounds of billables.



Your lawyers are your law firm’s greatest asset. They bring in the money, build your firm’s brand, and make a difference in your clients’ lives. The expectations are big — but sometimes the burnout is even bigger. With long hours, lack of work-life balance, and significant expectations placed upon them, it’s understandable that many lawyers struggle to make law firm life work.

This is where a law firm’s culture can make all the difference. Support and understanding will go a long way in keeping your firm’s lawyers not only content but also professionally satisfied.

In this article, we’ll discuss what makes for a great law firm culture. We’ll also discuss its overarching impact on lawyers’ happiness and thus your firm’s success and bottom line.

What are tips to cultivate a better law firm culture and environment?

Your law firm’s culture is representative of its core values. Hopefully, those core values include respect, collegiality, and equity. Creating a law firm culture and environment that supports lawyers (and staff!) and treats each employee like a human being is central to cultivating a productive and supportive work environment.

All of this is good for your people, good for your firm, and good for your bottom line. So, consider these tips that will help you build a better culture at your law firm.

Value your team

Money talks, but so do benefits and paid time off. The best way to ensure the satisfaction of your lawyers and staff is to offer salaries and benefits packages that are competitive in the market.

We understand that this is easier said than done — you’re the one balancing your budget at the end of the year, not us. But one of the best ways to spend your firm’s revenue is by paying your team and staff competitively, thus showing them their value to the firm. A higher salary means higher retention rates and thus less training of new associates and turnover of client contacts (we’ll get into this more below).

Valuing your team also includes promoting internal pay equity. The gender pay gap is no secret, and it’s larger for women of color. Your law firm can both promote equity and look out for its bottom line by offering all employees fair and competitive packages regardless of their gender or racial identity. By paying your staff thoughtfully and re-evaluating their compensation regularly, your firm will show concretely (read: in cold hard cash) that it values its workforce.

Support your team

Creating a healthy firm culture requires healthy employees. There are several thoughtful ways to support your employees and thus create a great firm culture.

Monitor hours

One of the biggest issues for lawyers is burnout. One way to combat it is to monitor the hours of your individual attorneys and apportion workload accordingly. This means that if you notice one associate has been billing 12 hours a day for a week straight, it likely means that she needs support, and you may need to reallocate her workload.

Overwork isn’t good for anyone: the quality of the legal work suffers, and your lawyers are more likely to become frustrated and disengaged.

Recognize good work

Though secondary to a better work-life balance, recognition goes a long way. If one associate is key to a big settlement, give them a shoutout at the next team meeting or in the firm newsletter. If a partner recently won a big pro bono case, it’s appropriate to do the same. Letting your lawyers know that you notice their hard work is important to employee satisfaction.

Offer flexibility

The pandemic taught us many things about office life, including that it’s not for everyone and that many people can be just as productive (maybe even more productive) working from home. By offering flexible work arrangements, including work-from-home options, your firm can easily support its lawyers and staff.

Help employees grow

Constructive feedback and encouragement are all important components of professional growth for lawyers. This proves especially true for junior lawyers and new staff members. By providing individualized feedback and having one-on-one meetings (not just waiting for end-of-year performance reviews), your lawyers will feel supported in their learning.

To encourage development, find out what your lawyers and staff members are most interested in learning about. This gives junior lawyers and other employees the ability to both shape their careers and get excited about their practice. In turn, this will motivate them to deliver better work.

What can make a culture be considered good or bad?

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart said it best: I know it when I see it. You know when your law firm’s culture is healthy, supportive, and working. You can also sense when things are tense and some readjusting is needed.

Much of what makes a law firm culture good or bad comes down to one thing: respect. Do your lawyers feel respected by the firm? Do staff feel respected by the lawyers? Does everyone feel like their time and efforts are being respected? These are all important questions to ask as you both begin to create and reimagine your law firm’s culture.

Open communication is key here. A good law firm culture prioritizes communication. Lawyers and staff alike should feel empowered to communicate with firm management on all topics, including serious subjects like pay, discrimination, workloads, and wellness. It also means that you should also open the door for more business-oriented discussions, enabling your team to share innovative ideas for client development or interesting CLEs and conferences.

Make sure that your law firm also follows through. Open communication without results is just talking. So, if you know that an employee is struggling, help them. If an associate has a great idea, listen and then help them achieve it. Your law firm will be a better and more productive place if you can do these things.

How can great law firm culture lead to growth?

A great law firm culture can help grow your firm in two very important ways: lawyer, staff, and client retention and recruitment.

By having a strong and supportive law firm culture, you’ll retain more lawyers and staff. Turnover is not good for your law firm in any respect. It requires outputting significant onboarding and training efforts, all of which are nonbillable and expensive. Additionally, the integration of lateral associates can be difficult for all parties. Fewer lawyers in a practice group often means that too much work is shared by too few lawyers, thus leading to burnout and possible resignation. It becomes a cyclical problem.

The best way to address retention issues is to not have them by supporting your lawyers and staff in all the ways addressed in this article. Retained lawyers mean greater team synergy and harmony, higher productivity, and a friendlier workplace.

Retaining your clients is just as important. No one (and we mean it, no one) wants to be fired by a client. Your firm’s culture is central to being client-centric. It should go without saying, but treating clients with respect and dignity is essential. If your law firm is staffed with positive, responsive, and productive lawyers, you’ll make your firm more attractive and competitive to the clients that pay the bills. This holds true for all firms: big, medium, small, or solo.

Your law firm’s culture (and reputation) is particularly important when it comes to recruitment. People talk, and culture plays a big role in getting top recruits. Think about it: would a top recruit with numerous options go to a law firm known for burning out its lawyers or not caring about its culture? Our guess is no.

Your law firm’s brand is indicative of its culture. Having one focused on positivity, collaboration, and collegiality is imperative for both short- and long-term growth.

What about the impact of diversity and inclusion on law firm culture?

The legal profession has never been representative of the general makeup of the U.S. population. This is changing, and your law firm can and should be part of that change. However, your law firm should not only be committed to hiring diverse attorneys and staff but also to retaining them. A positive and inclusive law firm culture is the best way to do so.

Diversity is important to your firm’s growth Different perspectives make for more innovative thinking and a more fulsome representation of clients. With different and varied voices at the table, you’ll be able to consider issues from all angles and come up with creative solutions not possible otherwise.

In short, a diverse and inclusive legal team is an asset to your law firm and a boon to clients. Inclusion and representation are important factors in an equitable firm culture and are good for the longevity of your law firm.

Create your best law firm culture

Your lawyers and staff want to work at a law firm that offers competitive pay, meaningful collaboration, and authentic collegiality. Support and a commitment to diversity and inclusiveness should also be included to boot.

All of this is achievable; you just need a good plan and open lines of communication. Both your staff and bottom line will thank you.

Where do you turn when you’re looking for the best sushi spot in town? What about when you’re looking for a reputable accountant? Or a recommendation for an electrician? We’d bet our bottom dollar that you’re searching online and reviewing websites and reviews.

Your potential clients are doing the same thing with your legal website. This is why it’s so important to have a good one. Like they say: you never get a second chance to make a first impression.

Your law firm’s online presence is the key to turning potential clients into paying ones. We understand that it’s hard to know where to begin and when to begin again. In this blog post, we’ll help get you started with pointers, tips of the trade, and design inspiration.

You’ve got this.

What are some key legal website terms?

Before we get too far into the weeds, let’s start with the basics. We recommend reviewing this glossary of key legal website terms before diving into this article.

Call to action (CTA)

A CTA entices your website visitor to take the next step and get into contact with your law office. CTAs typically come in the form of phrases or buttons that encourage website readers to “contact us now” or “click here for more information.” CTAs make it easy for visitors and other leads to get more information and, hopefully, get into contact with your firm.

Conversion rate

Conversion rates evaluate the effectiveness of your law firm’s website. Put simply, your conversion rate is the ratio of people who visit your firm’s website (or click on an ad) compared to people who convert into a lead. With the right reporting tools, your law firm can track how long a visitor stays on your website, which pages they view the most, which pages have the highest bounce rates (e.g., visitors leaving the site), which visits resulted from organic searches, and how many visitors turn into leads. Conversation rates are powerful tools for improving efficiency.

Landing page

Landing pages are web pages created for specific marketing campaigns. They have a single goal: converting visitors into prospects. A visitor arrives at a landing page most often after clicking on a link in an email or ad from a search engine or social media. To be most effective, your landing page copy has to be persuasive and centered around getting your visitor to take a specific action (like signing up for a free consultation).

Search engine optimization (SEO)

SEO is the practice of optimizing a website to boost its online visibility. To improve your law firm website’s visibility, you must make your website relevant to users’ searches. That means your website content has to reflect the terms that users type into the Google search bar. The more relevant your content is to a user’s search terms, the more likely your content will appear at the top of a search page.

What makes a website stand out?

What makes anything stand out? It’s usually some combination of uniqueness and crisp design. The logic is no different for your law firm’s website.

You know how competitive the legal market is, and it’s important to give your firm the upper hand whenever and wherever possible. Good law firm web design is an easy way to do so.

When getting started with or revamping your legal website, we recommend following these principles to help it stand out.

Be design-forward

The best law firm website is design-forward. Your website should anticipate its visitors’ needs and provide helpful design solutions. The user experience on your firm’s homepage and website is critical to ensuring that website visitors stay long enough to learn about your firm.

Given this, we recommend minimalistic streamlining. Don’t you hate it when a website bombards you with distracting animations and endless pop-ups? Your legal website should focus on professionalism with a bit of flavor. Opt out of the cluttered homepage and into something more sleek and high-quality. You don’t want to lose potential clients before they even get to the name of your firm.

Your firm brand should also be clear based on your lawyer website design. Typography, color palette, and font choice set the tone for the perception of your law firm. You can convey that your firm is contemporary and fresh by selecting a minimal and simplistic sans-serif font. A serif font can do the same but instead convey legacy and lineage.

There’s also room for creativity with your law firm website design. By choosing a unique, eye-catching design, you can set your law firm’s website apart from all the lookalike pages on the internet and stop possible clients from scrolling on by.

Accessibility and functionality should be top of mind

The best lawyer websites are accessible. As you know, accessibility can mean a lot of things. First, consider how your content (think blog posts and practice areas pages) will appear in layout. You want your website and all of its content to be accessible on all devices. A potential client should be able to read your firm’s newsletter on a cell phone, tablet, or computer. Remember to account for different browser types.

Further, your website should bolster accessibility with an intuitive and user-friendly layout. Ease of use is critical. We recommend making use of both bold headers and white space. Without these things, all the great content you’ve created may go to waste.

You should also make sure that people who have impairments can understand the content on your site so it is compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). You are required to make sure your website accommodates people with disabilities. Here are some steps to take:

Connection is key

Attorney websites must be more than a homepage. An individual practice page for each legal service that your firm offers will enhance the user experience and encourage visitors to linger. You should also include pages for engaging attorney biographies and pages that detail your firm’s expertise, case studies, and testimonials.

Your law firm website should include CTA buttons on each page to make it simple for prospective clients to inquire about your law firm’s services. CTAs encourage website visitors to fill out a contact form to provide their contact information (think email and phone number). By having visible CTA buttons, you’ll be able to connect more easily with folks who might become new clients.

Whether you are a personal injury lawyer, work in real estate law, or run a small criminal defense firm, we highly recommend outsourcing the legwork to the marketing experts to help build you a new website or revamp your current one.

What are the first steps in website design?

The best law firm website designs are specific to your law firm. That means you have to think a bit about your firm’s identity and goals. Your website’s goal is to attract new clients, but before you put the cart before the horse, you’ll need to think about who those new clients are and how they might benefit from your firm’s legal services.

Start with inquiries into your firm’s target audience. Who are they? Where are they? Might they need specific family law advice or general guidance on how to create a parenting plan? Once you have a grasp on the audience, you can begin building or revamping a website to meet their discreet needs.

Once you’ve handled the theoretical, it’s time to move to the practical: graphic design and website features. If you’re new to web design, we recommend using a template to get started. We also recommend choosing wisely. Your choice of a template will inform a prospective client’s first impression of your practice.

When selecting a template. consider the following factors.

Ease of optimization

We know that you know how important SEO is. It’s the most cost-effective way to attract new clients and build your firm’s book of business. If you boost your SEO, your website will be primed to find and engage prospective clients.

When selecting a template and website builder, make sure they come with SEO tools that you can use to optimize your site. The best practice is to pick a template that allows your firm to update each page’s metadata and use keywords. We also recommend using a website builder and template that provides a sitemap to specific search engines.

Ease of use

If you or someone else in-house will be handling the design process, start simple and intuitive. Find the right balance between all the bells and whistles and something that might be too simplistic (you at least need some color in your color scheme). Consider starting with a law firm WordPress theme or a drag-and-drop page builder.

Ease of personalization

Your firm is unique, and your selection of template should showcase that. This is essential for both design and connective purposes. If it’s important that clients be able to make appointments online, pick a template that supports that function. If you’re looking to update your blog daily, make sure that your selected template has the capabilities for it. Personalization of your selected template through either built-in features or third-party plugins is key to setting your website apart from the competition and showcasing your firm’s uniqueness.

Many firms choose to outsource the legwork of SEO and website design to web design experts who know the ins and outs of creative design. These experts take the headaches of web work away so you can focus on helping clients.

What are some examples of inspirational law firm websites?

After thinking about your firm’s core message and considering the above tips on style and design, the next step is to dig into some great examples of inspirational law firm websites. The below websites are some of the best. Notice how each website establishes the law firm as professional and reputable while also being stylistically interesting.

Sisk Law Firm

The Sisk Law Firm website is immediately authoritative. The color scheme of deep blues and blacks conveys professionalism and competency but isn’t too dark or overwhelming. The homepage clearly sets out the law firm’s bankruptcy specialization, allowing visitors to see both the breadth and depth of the lawyers’ expertise. The homepage also states that the law firm offers free consultations, which will go a long way in the bankruptcy context.

Law Offices of Slape & Howard

Similar to the Sisk Law Firm, Slape & Howard has a signature color scheme. The navy blue and yellow palette strikes the perfect balance of professional yet approachable. The firm’s tagline, “We're Here When Bad Things Happen to Good People,” is displayed prominently on the homepage, indicating to visitors that the firm does plaintiff-side work. The website also includes helpful accessibility features such as multiple translation options and the ability to make the website font larger and more visible.

Law Offices of John Della Rocca

The Law Offices of John Della Rocca website takes an immediately local approach. The website indicates clearly that the firm practices in the Philadelphia area and lists specific case results there. The homepage also states that the firm has adapted to the new reality of COVID and has video calling capabilities. The firm’s contact information is displayed prominently and notes that free consultations are available.

If you are looking to take your law firm’s website to the next level, we recommend working closely with marketing professionals that can do it all.

When is a good time to re-evaluate your website?

You should re-evaluate your legal website yearly or whenever your firm goes through a significant alteration. Design tastes change, and your website should keep up with current trends. We recommend looking at peer firm websites as a metric for comparison when it comes to design. You’ll be able to get a feel for the appropriateness of your own legal website this way.

An important component of this evaluation is tech. Does your law firm’s website feel outdated? If so, it might be time to switch templates or webpage hosts to something more modern and capable of supporting plugins. Backend tech is always evolving, and keeping up is an important part of staying in the game.

Tracking your conversation rate and the general effectiveness of your website can illuminate where your site is struggling and help you make informed decisions on redesign. If visitors are always bouncing on one page, it’s probably a good idea to redesign it.

You should also re-evaluate your law firm website in connection with an office move or change in practice area or expertise. This sort of assessment doesn’t require a radical design transformation, but changing this information will ensure that your website is up to date and will show clients that you’re detail-oriented.

Every year, you should also schedule an evaluation of your website to make sure it is still ADA-compliant. Refer to the list of steps above. You can also visit for more details on website compliance.

Ready! Set! Design!

Following the tips and tricks mentioned in this article can help accelerate the performance of your law firm’s website. Through compelling web design, enhanced SEO, and a keen sense of self, your firm will be off to the races. The right tools, solutions, and marketing experts are here to support your firm along the way.

More so than in other practices, personal injury lawyers must sell their services to possible clients. This is where a good website is key. The best personal injury lawyer website communicates who your law firm is, what services you offer, and why clients should choose you over other lawyers. Potential clients also may be seeking out your personal injury firm during a period of stress, and your firm’s website and related content should recognize that. With your website, you’ll want to showcase your firm’s competency, both emotionally and legally.

In this article, we’ll run through what makes a great personal injury law firm website and provide examples of some of the best.

What makes a website great in personal injury law?

To stand out in the crowd, your personal injury attorney website should have a homepage, descriptions of your practice areas, lawyer bios, testimonials, case studies, and resources.


Your website’s homepage must state clearly that you practice personal injury law. It should also communicate why clients should hire you by including easy-to-read, SEO-optimized headings that establish your credibility and set forth a clear core message.

Design is key here! You want to encourage prospective clients to stay on your website by providing a top-notch user experience. Don’t include too many banners or cluttered “click here" buttons; a streamlined and clean homepage communicates professionalism. Finally, your homepage should prominently announce how to get in contact with your firm.

Practice area descriptions

Every area of expertise in your personal injury practice should have its own page that describes your firm’s experience. Do you practice in car accidents? Slip and falls? Insurance bad faith? Wrongful death?

By including specifics, you’ll be in a stronger position to capture possible leads. It’s important to explain in detail the types of matters your firm handles and give a list of representative cases so that clients understand that you have been there and done that.

Lawyer bios

A personal injury case is usually very close to home — clients who come to you for help may be injured or in a vulnerable position. You can help prospective clients feel comfortable reaching out by providing lawyer and staff bios; having a face behind the words on a page is always helpful.

We recommend highlighting your approach to personal injury cases or something in your background that will make you stand out to a prospective client. If your firm is smaller and staff will be interacting with clients and prospects, it makes sense to include a bio for them as well.

Testimonials and case studies

Include positive testimonials on your website to build credibility with prospective clients. You might also share case studies that show what results you’ve achieved for clients. If you won a big car accident settlement for a client, consider including it.

The same goes for smaller wins like dog bite or neglect cases. To personalize case studies and testimonials, ask former clients to share a photo or record a short video about how you helped them. (You can repurpose these photos and videos on your social media channels too.) These success stories should be uplifting and positive. News snippets, badges, and certificates will also go a long way in building a positive reputation for your personal injury law firm and helping the community learn to trust in you.


This is the area where your firm will build the most credibility. You may include blogs, news about your firm, white papers, ebooks, and other downloadable content that will convince visitors that you are an authority in your practice areas.

Another popular item to include is frequently asked questions (FAQs). Not only will FAQs help you land higher in the search engines when clients type legal questions into their search bar, but they also give you a chance to show off your knowledge of personal injury law.

What should my personal injury law website focus on?

Your personal injury law firm website should focus on two things: subject-matter expertise for your various legal services and optimization for the web. By prioritizing these core elements, your website will not only increase its number of visitors but also get them to stay.

Subject-matter expertise

Personal injury law is complex and showing off your firm’s subject-matter expertise is key to letting prospective clients know that you can help solve their problems. So, your website should showcase your law firm’s authority and knowledge.

However, building authority does not necessarily mean having an authoritative tone. The best way to build authority for your personal injury law firm is to know your target audience and to address them specifically. The copy on your truck accident page should differ from that on your nursing home neglect page. You’ll want to strike the tone of compassionate competence in your wrongful death copy but will probably want something more professional for your product liability page. Knowing who you’re addressing will convey knowledge and competence to prospective clients and help you land them as paying clients.

Your website should also be backed up by in-depth, expertly written content. By focusing on your target audience with your firm’s website, you’ll establish your law firm as both client-centric and approachable. As applied to your personal injury law firm’s website, your goal with content creation should be to showcase your law firm’s work, practice areas, and lawyers. To get started, ask what questions your target audience and leads might have. Consider questions like these:

We then recommend answering these questions by creating legal content such as blog posts, social media posts, videos, webinars, and even white papers. By focusing on your target audience with your firm’s website, you’ll establish your personal injury law firm as both client-centric and approachable.

Search engine optimization (SEO)

We’ve spoken extensively about the wonders of optimization and how it can make your firm’s website more visible. Boosting your personal injury law firm’s website is no different — it remains the best and most cost-effective way to attract new clients and build your firm’s book of business.

SEO is the practice of optimizing a website to improve online visibility in search engine rankings by using certain relevant search terms in your created content. The more relevant your content is to a user’s search terms, the more likely it is that your content will appear at the top of a Google search page. Your law firm website will best find and engage prospective clients if you boost your SEO. We recommend getting started by researching keywords related to your practice as a personal injury lawyer.

Local SEO is also essential to optimizing your law firm’s website. Optimizing your firm’s presence on Google Maps, Google My Business, and Yelp can help establish your personal injury firm as the reputable, go-to one in the community.

What are the dos and don’ts of attorney website design?

Your law firm website design is so important. You’re competing with other personal injury firms, and a compelling user experience might be what snags the next client for you. Your website should be functional and accessible first. Every design decision you make for your personal injury firm website should ask the following question: will this help potential clients find and then choose my law firm over others?

Picking the right font for your website is important, and so is creating a compelling visual design and color scheme. Consider how your created content (think white papers and lawyer bios) will appear when laying out your website. The best legal websites can be interacted with on all devices (cell phones, tablets, computers, etc.) and on all browsers. Your law firm website should also be laid out intuitively and be friendly and easy to use and navigate, with clear headers and white space. Without these things, all the great content you’ve created may go to waste.

Your personal injury law firm website should also include call to action (CTA) buttons to make it simple for prospective clients to inquire about your firm’s services. CTAs encourage website readers to fill out a contact form to provide their information. Many of your prospective clients will be visiting your personal injury website for guidance and answers. By having visible CTA buttons (maybe even one that offers a free consultation), you’ll be able to connect more easily with folks who might need your firm’s services.

Many personal injury law firms choose to work with outside law firm marketing experts to build their brand with web designers and marketing strategists. These experts know the ins and outs of web and template design and have access to advanced marketing tools that will help you build a clean, impactful law firm website. Bringing in a digital marketing services team can help your firm figure out the best way to increase its client conversions.

What are some examples of the best personal injury law firm websites?

The best personal injury firm web designs are updated each year. We cannot recommend enough the ease of working with marketing professionals to stay on top of the trends and ensure that your website is competing. Below are personal injury law firm websites that exemplify the points discussed in this article. Each website highlighted below establishes the law office as an expert in personal injury law and helps them reach a larger audience, therefore generating more leads.

Denning Law Firm, LLC

The Denning Law Firm is a great example of a personal injury law firm website that has it all. Its lawyers have created helpful pages for visitors to access additional information regarding its firm’s expertise, and they clearly sublabel each area of personal injury law that they practice in (e.g., product liability, medical malpractice, and construction accidents). Denning’s blog is updated regularly with information and resources, helping clients understand their need for legal counsel and support. The website also features an “In the News” tab where prospective clients can learn about the firm’s recent wins, gaining the firm social prioof and giving the prospect an understanding of what Denning can do for them.

Paul Benson Law Firm

Paul Benson Law Firm is a law firm specializing in personal injury law, including car accidents, slips and falls, and pedestrian accidents. The site’s homepage is clean and concise. It features the attorney’s succinct firm statement as well as links to landing pages showcasing the firm’s expertise in personal injury law. It is client-centric, written in an appropriate and authoritative tone, and features a “get in touch” CTA. We also note that the firm logo is distinct and interesting but still professional.

Zwick Law

Zwick Law is another law firm specializing in personal injury cases. The firm’s homepage is approachable and clean and includes various case results suggesting the firm’s superb reputation to website visitors. The website also features a compelling attorney biography page with easily accessible contact information, including phone number, as well as a blog that is updated regularly with relevant content, improving the website’s SEO.

Your best personal injury law firm website awaits you

Your firm depends on a steady pipeline of prospective clients. The best way to keep and acquire new clients is through a compelling website.

By using legal marketing tactics that enhance your site’s visibility, including increasing your website traffic by implementing SEO and improving your content generation, even small law firms will be optimized to compete for new leads and prospective clients. The right tools, solutions, and marketing experts will help your personal injury law firm stand out.