
Easily Manage Your Credit Card With Plaid & Centerbase

Make it easy to reconcile your credit card transactions. Connect your account to a live, online banking feed with Plaid. So you can easily manage your funds without double-entry errors.

Easily manage your credit card with Plaid and Centerbase

Make reconciliation easy and accurate. Connect your account to a live, online baking feed with Plaid. So you can efficiently manage your funds without human error.

Easily add, match, or exclude transactions

In seconds, connect your bank account to Centerbase with Plaid. Then add or match with an existing transaction already in Centerbase. So reconciling your transactions is easier than ever.

You don’t have to manually create journal entries

Easily input your firm’s credit card transactions into Centerbase. Use Plaid to add or match transactions to existing Centerbase entries. So you don’t have to manually create journal entries or risk human error.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Plaid bring in my credit card transactions to Centerbase?
Yes! Plaid makes your online banking connection live. So it’s actively pulling over your credit card transactions into Centerbase for you to match, exclude, and add in real time.
Is there an extra fee for using Plaid?
No, there are no extra fees for using our Plaid integration.


"Training in Centerbase is so much easier than what it would have been if I had to train somebody new in Time Matters. I really believe the system is very user-friendly. Anyone who has some semblance of an idea of working with computers, even if it's online shopping. Just being able to navigate tabs and engage filters to get to what you want is so much easier to train a new person on than our old system."
Aimee Gannon
Operations Manager
Gonser & Gonser, PA
"You framed it [Centerbase] around the dedicated legal operations function and a strong legal operations team. You got my attention with that, kind of speaking to my heart. Because that's what law firm administrators do. And that's what Centerbase helps us do. And that's the sandbox that you give me. It is effecting change.”
Rob Sadler
Firm Administrator
Hofheimer Family Law
“Knowing that you can access the data 24/7 365, and that when you pull the data, it's going to be accurate, means that you have the flexibility to do what you need to do whenever you need to do it. If you're traveling internationally, or if you're working outside the office, it means that you can keep those wheels turning, no matter where you are and what you're doing. And it means that you're going to capture more time. We lost huge amounts of time and productivity when we had an unreliable system. Before Centerbase, as the person that had to manage fixing the software and working with the software companies, we had lost days of productivity in my department.”
Christine Giles
Office Administrator
Bollier Ciccone, LLP
“Accessing facts and providing details is a vital factor for accurate reporting. Centerbase has automated many functions that previously were generated manually. We have access to queries and or reports that have shaved off days & weeks from our time - previously unavailable in our old software.”
Donna Smith
Firm Administrator
Holtzman Vogel