Stay Focused on the High-Value Work That Keeps Your Firm Profitable

With solutions like matter management, ePre-bill, and more, you can ensure staff and timekeepers are focused on the high-value work that keeps your firm profitable.

Ensure your staff and timekeepers are focused on profitable work

With solutions like Family Law Software, automatic deadlining, and more, it’s easy to keep high-value work a priority.

Reach settlements faster

Remove friction between parties to reach settlements faster. With solutions like Family Law Software, matter management, and more, it’s easy to come to an informed agreement.

Increase accuracy across operations

Stop letting human errors slow down your operations. With ePre-bill, automatic deadlining, and more, you can ensure your data is correct the first time.

Easily complete more billable work

Complete more billable work without adding to your to-do list. With efficient matter management, a mobile app, and more, hitting billable targets becomes an easy priority.
feature: matter management

Service your matters with more efficiency

Find anything related to your matters on the matter itself. Instead of clicking between tabs to piece your matters together, automatically keep your matter data organized in one place. Bill, conflict check, email, and more directly from the matter. Even have your matters auto-updated for you. So you can complete more matter-work with less effort.
feature: billing

Bill up to 20x faster - with more accuracy than ever

Meet client expectations while shaving weeks off of your billing cycle. With automated billing solutions like ePre-bill and more, your firm can review, approve, and send out bills up to 20x faster - with more accuracy than ever. So you can improve your cash flow while satisfying every client.

Other Firm Operations Features

Complete family law calculations to reach settlements faster

Reach settlements faster with easy and accurate family calculations and analysis. Instead of manually calculating alimony, child support, asset division, and more, let Family Law Software calculate and analyze it for you. With no manual program installs and regular updates, you can reach settlements between parties with as little friction as possible.

Hit more billable targets with a mobile app

Reach settlements faster with easy and accurate family calculations and analysis. Instead of manually calculating alimony, child support, asset division, and more, let Family Law Software calculate and analyze it for you. With no manual program installs and regular updates, you can reach settlements between parties with as little friction as possible.

Use your calendar to increase visibility and hit billable targets

Reach settlements faster with easy and accurate family calculations and analysis. Instead of manually calculating alimony, child support, asset division, and more, let Family Law Software calculate and analyze it for you. With no manual program installs and regular updates, you can reach settlements between parties with as little friction as possible.


“Knowing that you can access the data 24/7 365, and that when you pull the data, it's going to be accurate, means that you have the flexibility to do what you need to do whenever you need to do it. If you're traveling internationally, or if you're working outside the office, it means that you can keep those wheels turning, no matter where you are and what you're doing. And it means that you're going to capture more time. We lost huge amounts of time and productivity when we had an unreliable system. Before Centerbase, as the person that had to manage fixing the software and working with the software companies, we had lost days of productivity in my department.”
Christine Giles
Office Administrator
Bollier Ciccone, LLP
"Training in Centerbase is so much easier than what it would have been if I had to train somebody new in time matters. I really believe the system is very user-friendly. Anyone who has some semblance of an idea of working with computers, even if it's online shopping. Just being able to navigate tabs and engage filters to get to what you want is so much easier to train a new person on than our old system."
Aimee Gannon
Operations Manager
Gonser & Gonser, PA
"You framed it [Centerbase] around the dedicated legal operations function and a strong legal operations team. You got my attention with that, kind of speaking to my heart. Because that's what law firm administrators do. And that's what Centerbase helps us do. And that's the sandbox that you give me. It is effecting change.”
Rob Sadler
Firm Administrator
Hofheimer Family Law
“Centerbase is user friendly, and it’s easy to navigate. The email bill function is easy, and we can always go back to check all the details in their separate matters.”
Accounts Manager
Kalijarvi, Chuzi, Newman & Fitch, PC
"Centerbase has absolutely improved our ability to generate invoices and get paid quickly for our accounts. It gives back that valuable resource to our employees which is time since all of our work is billable time."
Aimee Gannon
Operations Manager
Gonser & Gonser, PA
“We have grown so much that it allows me to stay on top of billing. What once took an entire month, I can now go from start to finish by the 20th of the month. A feat not possible with Harvest, the software Centerbase replaced.”
Donna Smith
Firm Administrator
Holtzman Vogel
"We love the ePre-bill process. We have 4 different offices, a ton of attorneys, and a ton of clients. So we were doing everything by hand and by printed paper. And most attorneys had 300+ pages a month that they were reviewing of a printed-out invoice. Our default was mail only. And that completely switched during the pandemic. So, everything for us is now electronic. We really like being able to email invoices with a click."
Aimee Gannon
Operations Manager
Gonser & Gonser, PA
“When you run bills, being able to tell it whether or not to automatically apply the retainer payment - some products don't do that. You have to manually apply it for every single invoice.”
Christine Giles
Office Administrator
Bollier Ciccone, LLP
"[ePre-bill] made it easier to get paid on the work we're doing."
Aimee Gannon
Operations Manager
Gonser & Gonser, PA
“[Automated Workflows and ePre-bill] cuts down on a lot of time, and admin time. Specifically, entering changes that people wrote in red pen on a piece of paper. That saved us a ton of time.”
Izzy Guerra
Director of Technology and Strategic Project
Harris Family Law
"Our attorneys can review their pre-bills electronically, and we can send them out with a click of a button. Most certainly that has definitely changed and helped our most valuable asset which are our attorneys since they are of course the highest billers of the firm. And it's really given them back time."
Aimee Gannon
Operations Manager
Gonser & Gonser, PA