Every service-based business wants to get paid faster, and law firms are no different. Imagine getting paid 20 percent faster. What kind of a difference would that make to your law firm’s cash flow, profitability, and ability to invest in growth?  

One of the best ways to ensure an efficient billing and payment cycle is to make it easy for clients to pay — and that requires having a modern legal billing solution with embedded payments processing in place.  

This allows your clients to pay directly from within their digital invoice and gives them options for payment types, such as credit and debit card payments, automated clearing house (ACH) and eChecks.  

Payments-related challenges law firms face today 

The ability to get paid on time requires efficient processes and software to support them —  timekeeping for billable hours, effective billing templates, accurate billing cycles, and the list goes on.  

But even with processes and systems in place, be aware of common bottlenecks that can slow down legal billing processes and negatively affect your clients’ on-time payment rates — and your firm’s profitability. 

1. Inefficient pre-billing process 

Your law practice’s monthly billing process likely begins with compiling billed time and related expenses for each client into a pre-bill. If your attorneys have tracked their time diligently, this part of the process should be smooth.  

Reviewing, revising and finalizing the prebills is where slowdowns occur. A lead attorney must review the prebill, add notes, and adjust costs as needed before the bill can be finalized and sent to the client.  

If you have electronic pre-bill functionality in your legal billing solution, you can speed up this process by automatically moving pre-bills through the approval chain. 

Jennifer Landrum, office manager at Griffith, Jay & Michel, LLP, estimates it used to take her about two weeks to complete her firm’s billing cycle. Using the pre-bill feature within Centerbase, she now saves a minimum of three days each month on billing alone. 

2. Complicated, multi-step billing processes 

Hopefully, your law firm’s billing software automates many of the routine billing and payment functions, such as calculating billing interest and tax, applying existing client funds to bills, and sending overdue bill reminders. If you conduct these manually, however, you’re missing out on significant efficiencies. 

Electronic legal billing and payments software can make your billing process more efficient by generating draft bills, taking your firm’s fee structure into account, and customizing the billing and payment process to your firm’s needs. 

Jane Corser, firm administrator at Latham, Luna, Eden & Beaudine, LLP, says that when her firm switched to the Centerbase platform, her billing cycle improved from 10 days to just three days. 

3. Lack of flexible and easy payment options for clients 

To get paid faster, use immediacy to your law firm’s advantage. The sooner a client receives an invoice after services are rendered, the sooner they’ll pay their bill because the services are fresh in their mind.  

Even if you send invoices soon after providing services, however, the likelihood of clients paying their bill on time drops significantly if you don’t make it easy for them to do so. 

It’s important to offer flexible payment options that fit your clients’ needs. Offering billing arrangements, printed or digital bills, online payments and multi-payor functionality for clients to choose from increases their on-time payments. 

How payments challenges are being solved in the legal industry 

When it comes to law firms’ billing and payments processes, efficiency and flexibility are key. The best way to achieve both is to have a legal billing solution with an embedded payments feature. Embedded payments can: 

What law firms should look for in a payment solution 

When researching legal billing and payments solutions for your law firm, consider these features to help you select the right solution: 

Manage the Business of Your Firm with Ease 

Embedding payments into your billing solution makes it easy for clients to do business with you and allows you to manage the business of your firm with automation and simplicity. Learn how you can accomplish all this with Centerbase Payments, embedded in the Centerbase platform.  

Modernizing your law practice management software is an enticing — and strategic — end goal. Whether that means moving your firm’s data from a server to the cloud or upgrading to an all-in-one law firm management and growth platform, you can significantly enhance efficiency and client service with modern software.

But all the features within law firm management platforms mean nothing if you find yourself questioning the accuracy of your firm’s data. Christopher Holmes, Chief Operating Officer at Hackett Feinberg P.C., knows this reality all too well.

Modernizing law practice management

In 2020, Chris led the charge to modernize his firm’s operations. A long-time user of Timeslips, Hackett Feinberg was eager to upgrade from an on-premise server to a cloud-based solution.

The firm decided on practice management software that seemed to fit the bill, as it offered the integrated practice management documents, email, and accounting capabilities Chris and his team wanted.

“The goal in moving to that system was to have a modern platform that would better serve our clients, be user friendly, and improve our firm’s efficiency,” he says.

When your legal software’s data integrity fails

After three years with the software, Hackett Feinberg learned its limitations. Primarily, the firm encountered data integrity issues in its accounting, where a deposit would have a date different from other deposits made the same day, throwing off the firm’s bank records.

In other instances, the system showed that clients’ payments were due, even though they had been paid.

“These issues were alarming, and they made us wonder what we might be missing,” Chris says.

The firm recognized other limitations, too, namely a lack of robust, customizable, user-friendly reporting.

“The reporting dashboards were not useful,” Chris says. “They were templates that couldn’t be customized, weren’t based on user roles, and they didn’t have proper user-based restrictions.”

Converting to Centerbase’s law practice management platform

Eventually, it was time to explore other options.

“I got a demo of Centerbase and saw the difference immediately,” Chris says.

Centerbase’s advanced reporting and customizability now give Chris the information he needs.

“I love that I can customize our dashboards by user roles, so we can have a managing partner dashboard, a new associate dashboard, etc., with information that’s relevant to them, and they can do what they need to,” he explains.

He especially appreciates not having to enter data and calculate compensation manually, thanks to Centerbase’s Production and Origination report. “I can let attorneys know their compensation on a daily basis if I need to,” Chris says.

Prioritizing data integrity during implementation

Chris particularly appreciated Centerbase’s focus on data integrity during the onboarding and implementation process.

Centerbase has been in communication with us during the entire data conversion process, working with us to overcome the limitations of the data available from our prior software.

Christopher Holmes, COO, Hackett Feinberg

Centerbase’s proprietary implementation methods deliver accurate data imports by mapping and validating the firm’s data, ensuring it is accurate, organized, configured to fit the firm’s needs, and ready to use on day one.

Chris also likes that his team has an organized implementation process to follow with clear expectations, accountability, and target dates for completing tasks. Additionally, thorough live and online training give them the support they need.

“I’ve been part of software conversions before with larger law firms, and Centerbase’s implementation process brings back those previous positive experiences. The Centerbase team has been great and very helpful. They are magicians,” Chris says.

The usage of artificial intelligence has entered the legal field, and it will change the way attorneys and law firms operate for good. Now is the time to create a roadmap for adopting AI to make sure your firm is ready. Integrating this leading-edge technology can create benefits for your firm and clients, and you’ll need strategic planning to do it right. Check out this roadmap to get started. 

Educate your team on AI  

The more educated you and your firm are about AI and its implications within the legal market, the more likely you are to maximize AI’s possibilities while minimizing its risks. Seek educational opportunities to help your entire staff understand the foundations of using AI within law firms, including use cases, benefits, and ethical considerations.  

1. Attend CLE and other educational opportunities

Many vendors and associations are beginning to provide education and guidance on AI for law firms. Begin attending events through your Bar Associations, practice area groups, technology vendors, and Association of Legal Administrators. You could also invite outside subject matter experts to train your team on AI usage. 

2. Try AI products

“Rent” AI products now using SaaS pricing models to begin testing how AI could provide a competitive advantage for your law firm and staff. Many products include free trials or low-cost, short-term subscription options to get started with.  

For each product you test, have trial users fill out a rubric to help evaluate the product’s effectiveness for your firm. The rubric can document things like the product’s use cases, accuracy and performance, robustness and limitations, regulatory and ethical considerations, security, user experience, and cost.

3. Read up

Even though AI usage in the legal field is just beginning, many resources exist to help you understand the full landscape of AI. For example, the American Bar Association’s Law Technology Today often covers topics related to AI, machine learning, and automation in law practice.  

Of course, a quick Google search will produce a multitude of resources, including white papers on AI in the legal market, checklists to implement AI at your firm, and even sample AI policies to help your firm document its AI approach. 

Evaluate your firm’s technology 

To integrate AI technology effectively, your existing technology needs to be ready for it, too. That means you will need a solid technology infrastructure in place to ensure successful integration and operation of AI products when you’re ready to implement them. Consider these recommendations to get started. 

1. Move your core systems of record to cloud-based technology

Ensure your firm uses modernized cloud-based technology that supports continued enhancements and updates. By having your client data, research data, and documents in modern platforms, you increase your firm’s ability to quickly access this information within AI platforms. 

2. Research your vendors 

Speak with your current vendors to understand their AI roadmap and AI usage within their platform. Ensure you understand the underlying technology the vendor plans to use and that it aligns with your firm’s policy on AI usage.   

3. Consider API access

Understand the API access available in your current software. APIs allow you to integrate your products and data with software and could speed up the transition to using AI within your law firm. 

Form an AI committee within your firm 

Evaluating AI’s fit within your firm could be a significant undertaking, so be prepared to dedicate some resources to it. You will recoup costs incurred during this research and evaluation phase by avoiding surprises and setbacks with a well-prepared AI integration plan. 

While you might need one point of contact to organize the effort, forming an AI task force within your firm allows multiple stakeholders to weigh in, ensures diverse perspectives and user groups are considered, and helps your firm prioritize AI and other emerging technologies.  

This task force can begin identifying specific AI use cases within the firm, such as document review, contract analysis, legal research, or client communication. Prioritizing the use cases where AI technology can provide the most significant value will allow the committee to begin architecting your future technology stack to support them.  

The committee should also be responsible for drafting policies and guidance on how your staff can use AI. This helps ensure your firm factors in compliance and ethical considerations when making decisions about using AI. 

Synthesize your research and prioritize next steps 

It’s time to move from research and analysis to implementation. Synthesize information from each roadmap component above to determine your next steps. How you prioritize what AI solutions to implement will depend on your firm’s unique set of users, client needs, existing technology infrastructure, budget, and many other factors. 

Communication will be critical throughout your firm’s AI journey. Remember to update stakeholders frequently, hold training sessions to upskill your staff on AI technology and its implications for their roles, and continually monitor how AI is working for your firm and clients. 

Following these general guidelines will help you begin your AI journey. For more information on integrating AI in your law practice, check out these resources: 

Basic reporting functionality isn’t enough to help law firms unlock the full potential of their data. Today’s law firms need robust reporting tools that help law firm leaders extract actionable insights, optimize resource allocation, and enhance overall performance. And they need tools that align with their strategic priorities and operational requirements.

Six reporting capabilities can optimize your firm’s efficiency, profitability, and strategic decision-making.

1. Target new opportunities for profit

Typically, law firm reporting software allows users to generate reports to track billable hours, expenses, and invoices. Standard reports may include details such as client billing summaries, unbilled time and expenses, and aging invoice analysis. But these basic reports aren’t enough to help law firms stay competitive in a crowded market.

Law firms need deeper insights. Only a handful of legal software solutions offer profitability reporting, and it’s a game-changer for firms. By analyzing profitability metrics at the timekeeper, practice area, location, and matter levels, law firms can pinpoint areas of strength and weakness, allocate resources effectively, and optimize performance. Prioritizing profitability reporting enables firms to focus on revenue-generating activities and enhance their overall financial health.

2. Visualize data to match the way you work

Law firm reporting software usually includes basic elements such as charts, graphs, and tables that present data in a visual format. These tools give users a snapshot of metrics and trends, helping them make more informed decisions.

But leading reporting platforms allow users to visualize information in multiple ways, with customizable dashboards that allow users to transform raw data into actionable insights. Interactive dashboards offer dynamic visualizations of key performance indicators. Top platforms empower users to create personalized dashboards so they can monitor real-time data, track trends, and gain actionable insights at a glance. The interactive nature of top platforms’ dashboards allows users to drill down into the data for deeper analysis and exploration.

3. Drill down into data with out-of-the-box templates

Not all legal practice management software is created equal. Most tools provide standard reports to understand law firms’ financial metrics, but the top reporting platforms offer robust pre-built report templates out of the box. This advanced reporting functionality allows law firms to drill down into their data immediately and get faster insights compared to standard reports. They can be more cost effective, too, by avoiding paying for customized reports to be created.

Some advanced platforms also include cutting-edge data analytics and predictive modeling capabilities to help law firms identify trends, anticipate future outcomes, and make data-driven decisions.

4. Configure reports to fit your practice's needs

Leading practice management systems include advanced reporting capabilities and unlimited custom data fields, so firms can tailor reports to their specific practice areas, clients, and operational requirements.

With these advanced legal reporting tools, users can create custom data fields, filters, and calculations to generate highly specialized reports that reflect the firm’s specific practice areas, workflows, and metrics. By configuring reporting tools to fit their unique needs, firms can enhance data accuracy, streamline processes, and derive actionable insights.

5. Strengthen internal security with robust reporting permissions

Top legal software also provides granular, role-based permissions so administrators can control access to sensitive data and reports. These platforms allow administrators to define user roles and permissions, ensuring that only authorized individuals have access to specific reports and data sets. This feature enhances data security and compliance with privacy regulations and ethical responsibilities.

6. Share reports easily with quick exporting and importing

Law firms often need to share reports with clients, stakeholders, and regulatory bodies, necessitating seamless export capabilities. However, in some legal software, it can be cumbersome to collect and share the data in a format that others can read.

Leading practice management software allows users to schedule automated report generation and distribution at predefined intervals with just one click. This feature enables users to receive timely reports via email or other communication channels, ensuring that stakeholders can access up-to-date information without manual intervention.

How to level up your law firm’s reporting capabilities

Advanced reporting capabilities are essential for modern law firms seeking to maximize profitability, drive strategic decision-making, and thrive in today’s competitive legal landscape.

Centerbase goes above and beyond basic legal reporting features, offering a comprehensive reporting library plus advanced customization options, interactive dashboards, profitability reporting, role-based permissions, and much more. Its robust reporting features empower law firms to analyze data, drive attorney performance, and achieve their goals with confidence.

If you’d like to see how Centerbase’s reporting solutions can optimize your bottom line and drive strategic business decisions, see below to get a demo.