
Embracing a New Level of Excellence

Amanda Koplos

"What we were doing before the pandemic was pretty rote. That doesn't mean it wasn't challenging at times, it doesn't mean that weren't complexities, but what the pandemic did was allow us all to embrace a new level of excellence." Rick Rigsby

April Campbell (Executive Director at the Association of Legal Administrators) and Judy Hissong (President at Nesso Strategies) said it best, we are all pioneers of a new age. From diagnosing firm culture to the shifted focus on mental health, these two ALA royalties discuss how the world as we know it is changing, and there are quite a few noticeable differences coming out of the legal industry because of it.

And if you’re new to the legal world or ALA in general, you won’t want to miss a very strong piece of advice from April and Judy. Check it out here!

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