Agile, streamlined processes are what modern law firms need to effectively handle the full gamut of activities required to take a matter from client intake to paid in full. . Firms are under constant pressure to optimize their workflows, reduce manual errors, and maximize billable hours. Technology can address these challenges. But do you have the right technology to be effective — meeting client, staff and attorney expectations?

That depends. Have you embraced workflow automation yet? To get ahead of the curve, you’ll want to look into law practice management systems that offer more than out-of-the-box solutions — you need workflows personalized to your law firm’s needs.

Why should law firms avoid out-of-the-box workflows?

Some workflow automation is better than none, right? Well, it depends. Although the standard workflows that come with some legal practice management software can be convenient and save time, they fall short of custom workflows in several critical ways.

Out-of-the-box workflows follow a one-size-fits-all approach, assuming all law firms have similar processes. However, a generic workflow might not work for different practices because, for example, criminal defense workflows differ markedly from those of a real estate firm. Pre-built workflows might miss steps critical to your practice or include irrelevant steps that can lead to inefficiency and redundancy.

Generic solutions can also hurt adoption. Employees are more likely to engage with technology when it aligns closely with their daily tasks. Out-of-the-box workflows might not resonate with lawyers and staff, leading to low adoption rates. When users don’t fully embrace automated processes, your firm won’t realize the full value of your investment in technology.

What legal workflows will benefit most from customized automation?

A personalized approach to workflow automation can significantly enhance the efficiency of a number of law firm processes. Here are just a few examples:

It’s time to get personal — about your law firm workflows

Workflow automation, especially when personalized, helps law firms work the way they want, and do it faster and more efficiently. By automating tasks like client intake and billing, law firms can reduce errors, accelerate results, and enhance client satisfaction. And, beyond saving time and boosting profitability, customized workflows help firms work the way they’re used to, encouraging adoption and sustaining the usefulness of the software for the firm.

Get a demo today to discover how Centerbase can customize workflows to meet the needs of your law firm.

Many law firms have relied on PCLaw for years, but it’s becoming increasingly clear that this aging software falls short of meeting the evolving needs of modern law practices. PCLaw is sunsetting and won’t be migrating to the cloud, and this summer, the company suggested that users should transition to another solution, LEAP, a solution that offers automated legal forms, document management, and legal trust accounting tools. The problem is, even that solution falls short of the cutting-edge practice management technology law firms need to remain productive and competitive. 

So, let’s take a look at the considerations of staying with PCLaw and transitioning to LEAP and why choosing a new solution — Centerbase — could be the right move. 

What are the drawbacks of using PCLaw? 

There are multiple pain points that PCLaw users have experienced over the years — ones that a move to LEAP can’t solve, but a more advanced legal practice management solution could. 

How does Centerbase resolve the pain points of PCLaw? 

Centerbase offers a compelling solution to these PCLaw pain points and is a robust solution designed to meet the needs of modern legal professionals. Offering greater flexibility, mobility, and features that streamline the practice of law, here’s a summary of the advantages that Centerbase offers over PCLaw. 

What are best practices for law firms navigating the transition to new legal technology? 

If you’re considering making a switch from PCLaw, here are five tips that will help you ensure a smooth transition to a new software solution. 

  1. Do your due diligence. Conduct comprehensive research online to learn about each software’s features, user reviews, and industry reputation.  
  1. Limit your search. Narrow down your choices to three to five options to make the selection process more manageable. It’s easier to evaluate a smaller pool of candidates thoroughly. 
  1. Keep a checklist: Maintain a checklist of your must-have features and compare each software against these criteria. This approach ensures that you choose the software that aligns most closely with your needs. 
  1. Check the software’s cloud integration capabilities. Verify that the software offers true cloud integration for both front-office and back-office functions. A truly integrated system reduces redundancy and ensures data consistency.  
  1. Don’t assume anything. Don’t assume that software will meet your needs without a thorough evaluation. Take the time to understand the features and capabilities of your new software fully. Some platforms claim that they are cloud-based, but only part of the product is; for example, some solutions only host in the cloud, while others only base half of their features in the cloud. 

Law firms can’t afford to not switch to Centerbase 

If you’re currently using PCLaw and suffering from the limitations of this aging software, it’s time to explore better alternatives. Centerbase offers a modern, feature-rich solution that not only addresses the pain points of PCLaw but also empowers your law firm to thrive in the digital age.  

Don’t wait; make the switch to Centerbase today and experience the transformative power of advanced legal practice management software. Contact us to get a free demo and learn how you can transition your law firm to Centerbase today with no downtime.